

In the Indian subcontinent, Hijra people consist of eunuchs, intersex people, asexuals, and transgender people, and so they are officially recognized as a third gender (not entirely male nor female).

Entertaining, silly, flamboyant, loud, and always moving or dancing, Indira (35) can find joy in anything. Even though Indira is considered among the bottom-most part of the social hierarchy, Indira still maintains a high moral ground. Even though she calls the biggest slum in Mumbai her home, she is always upbeat. She is the one person you can always count on to cheer you up, but you don't find Indira -- Indira finds you, just when you need her.

Indira always wears Ghungaroo, which are musical anklets, and you should be able to hear her coming from a mile away, but somehow you never do. Ria and Indira have a special bond that dates back to when Ria used to walk to school, and Indira would keep her company.

Even though Hijras are traditionally sex workers, Indira chose a different path, and her choice puts her at odds with other Hijras in the community.

Indira does not remember where she came from, but now she calls Dharavi, the heart-shaped slum, her home. (Dharavi is the biggest slum in the world.)

Indira was castrated in her teen years and was given to the Hijra community with nearly no memory of her parents or her life before her abandonment.

Indira met Ria at a wheat mill store when she was 8 years old. At that age, kids would be afraid of talking to Hijras because they can look scary, but not Ria -- she was fascinated by the colors and garments that Indira was wearing. The two made fast friends, and their kinship will last a lifetime.

Ria and Indira can talk about anything and nothing for hours. When not working as prostitutes, Indian Hijra people typically make their livings by clapping, dancing, and singing songs at important ceremonies and events, like births, weddings, baby showers, and engagements.

Even today, Hijras are disrespected in Indian society, and it is common for them to be tortured or beaten for no reason at all. After Indira is assaulted and the video evidence goes viral, she will become a motivational speaker. But Indira will not be angry about what happened to her; she says that letting go of the anger will help her lead the life she wants to live and take control of the situation instead of trying to force justice from the world. Karma has a way of figuring out how to reward a person for their actions. She will give 30-minute lectures to help inspire people to do better.